Dear Samakee Community,
We are pleased to inform you that we successfully conducted an Emergency Fire Drill this week. In the case of a fire or an immediate evacuation, everyone needs to know what they must do, and at Samakee, we follow a three-stage system that we practice regularly, highlighting its importance and our commitment to safety.
At the beginning of each new term, all classes ‘walk through’ their evacuation procedure at a time that suits them.
Once everyone has completed a walk-through and understands the procedure, an evacuation practice occurs by appointment. We tell the children that the fire alarm will sound. When the alarm sounds, everyone goes to their assembly points to be checked by their teacher.
We have two assembly points:
Assembly Point 1 – The Playing Field 1 (next to Inclusion)
Assembly Point 2 – Playing Field 2 (next to the Swimming Pool)
When there is an alarm, parents and visitors on site are requested to go to the nearest assembly point.
We understand that these practices can be distressing for our youngest children, as the sound of the alarm or the change of routine can be unsettling. However, we are committed to providing them with the necessary support and guidance during these times.
There is an unannounced practice for the final stage, and we repeat this three-stage programme every term.
Yesterday, all students and staff followed the safety procedures efficiently, ensuring a smooth and safe response to the Fire Drill.
We appreciate your continued support in keeping our school community prepared and safe. Through our collective efforts, we can ensure the safety of all our students and staff.
Continue reading the full Headteacher’s newsletter at this link: