It's all about
the ChildrenOur child-centred philosophy is lived every day throughout our school and is the key to our success and what we do best.
‘The school is highly inclusive and extremely nurturing. Relationships between staff and students are very strong and productive. New students settle quickly in the friendly and cooperative atmosphere. They gain quickly in confidence through the mutual support of peers. The positive reinforcement received from teachers helps develop their self-esteem, maturity and sense of personal worth. Students are known exceptionally well as individuals, and the school’s provision is tailored to meet their varying needs; students are encouraged to develop their individual strengths. One student said that ‘the school allows and encourages us to be ourselves and to be different.’ – ISQM May 2018
Our programme is designed to be flexible and in this way we meet the diverse needs of individual children and their families. We benefit from a student population with a wide range of abilities, from the very gifted to those with special needs who may require special support. In the foundation stage, children may attend part-time according to the requirements of individual children and their families. Achievements are celebrated enthusiastically at a weekly assembly and through positive reinforcement throughout each day. In this way children, parents and staff learn to celebrate and understand individual differences.
We are committed to raising standards whilst at the same time maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum that includes a wide range of learning experiences that extend to out of hours learning through for example, after school clubs (ECAs), learning labs, residential trips and e-learning.