‘In key stage 3, all groups of students make outstanding progress.’ ISQM Accreditation Report May 2018
Upper School comprises four year groups: Year 6 – Year 9, ages 10 to 14 years. In Years 6-9 students are taught by specialist teachers for all subjects with History, Geography, Design Technology, Spanish, Thai, Music, Drama, Makerspace (STEM) and Environmental Science at our onsite farm being taught as discrete subjects.
Upper School Students follow a programme of study in line with the British National curriculum for KS2 and KS3. It provides a diverse range of learning experiences which are child-centred and seek to encourage the students to begin working more independently. Embedded in the curriculum are the 4C’s! Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Communication and Creativity. These 21st Century skills are paramount for children looking to live and work in our growing digital world!