Dear Samakee Community,
It is delightful to see the entries to our House Music Competition on Flipgrid. Our children’s musical talent is definitely coming to the fore as each child presents an instrumental or vocal piece in their unique style. I wonder which House will be victorious! There is still time to post entries, so if your child has not yet taken part, please encourage them to do so; all styles and abilities are welcome. Every entry will be awarded 3 House points, Runners-up 6 House points and Winners 10 House points.
Virtual Parent Consultation took place on Monday, and it was a pleasure to speak with you. 75% of our parents made appointments to talk with their child’s teachers – thank you for participating. As we come to the end of the year, next week, School Reports will be published on our Parental Portal, and you will receive notification via email.
- EYFS: End of Year Report
- Key Stage 1 and Middle School: Primary – end of year attainment and progress results with Growth Mindset Continuum.
- Upper School: End of year Full attainment and progress reports. Phase leader report & Growth Mindset Continuum.
Reminder about the following updates on our calendar:-
- 14th June – Deadline for entry to the House Music Competition
- 18th June – End of Term – online classes will end at midday.
The children and their teachers have done a fantastic job managing online learning, and you have done an excellent job supporting them. We thoroughly commend and thank all of you for your efforts this term. The school year is coming to an end, and it is very disappointing that we cannot have the children back in school again this term. Nevertheless, like educators everywhere, we are hopeful and optimistic that the school will reopen in August and that there will be no more need for online learning. However, the situation remains unpredictable. We want, therefore, to be prepared and make any necessary adjustments to our programme if schools must close again in the future and to do this we need your help. Please take time to complete the survey, link below, and give your thoughts, comments and suggestions. We value and appreciate your input. Thank you for your assistance.
Well done to all students and teachers that took part in this year’s i-lympics challenge in collaboration with Hua Hin International School. Ten events were spread over two weeks, with Gold, Silver and Bronze points given depending on success. The final scores were extremely close, with HHIS on 12,140 points and SAS Winners with 12 290 points. Congratulations Samakee!
On Monday, while teachers were busy with Parent Consultations, the students in Middle School took part in a creative challenge away from the screen. Their task was to make the most imaginative idea using only a cardboard box. After some initial planning and thinking time, the children set to work, and the final products are absolutely outstanding! Perhaps we have some future architects and entrepreneurs with all these clever ideas. Well done, everyone!
Year 3 have been studying explanation texts in English; Wallace and Gromit were their inspiration!. Their task was to design their own magnificent machine and explain how it works. Since they are working at home, they decided to design a machine called the ‘Parent Pleaser’ – their imaginations were wonderful. We have machines that have built in arms that can pick up messy toys, coffee dispensers and eyes that have the ability to read their child to sleep. Have a look to see more of our magnificent machines
We are working closely with the MoE to schedule a vaccination programme for our staff and a few of our Thai staff have had their first vaccination or will do so soon. We will keep you informed of the progress with staff vaccinations.
Thank you for your patience and ongoing support, and I hope that you have a pleasant weekend.
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School