Dear Samakee Community,

The school has long had a tradition of annual school productions and we are excited that these productions can now resume. Rehearsals are well underway for the Upper School Production ‘Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, due to be shown on Thursday 1 December at 6:00 pm. Many students are involved in acting and even more students may be involved backstage on the night. Tickets are free of charge and more information will be made available soon.
We are also looking forward to the upcoming First School Christmas Fair on the morning of Friday 2nd December. The First School Christmas Fair is a fun morning for parents to enjoy being with their child, spend time playing Christmas games and joining in a variety of activities together. This popular event will take place on the school farm and parents with children in Nursery – Year 2 are encouraged to participate with their child. School uniform is not required.
All students from Year 3-9 are taken off timetable to compete in this Inter-House competition. Sports Day is a celebration of Sports centred around Track & Field activities. All Year 3-9 students travel to an outside Stadium to take part in a variety of Athletic events; each child competing for House Points as well as individual certificate awards. The event finishes with a combined relay with teachers and parents joining in too. Awards will be presented at an assembly on the morning of Friday 25th November. Please note the new confirmed date for the Year 3-9 Sports Day is Thursday, 24 November. More information will follow soon, and we look forward to seeing some of you at the track supporting your children.
Our next Coffee Morning will be on Tuesday, 29th November, at 8:30 am in the Music Room, and here is the link to our Samakee PTG LINE Group.
At the PTG Coffee Morning, Samakee staff will resume leading One-Stop Parent Workshops to support parents with different aspects of school life which have, in the past, included, understanding the curriculum, Mathematics methods, supporting reading at home and Growth Mindset. I will provide more information soon on the focus of our first One-Stop Parent Workshop this term. At every One-Stop Workshop, our IT staff will be on hand to offer support.
As I mentioned last week, to help alleviate traffic during the APEC Economic Leaders’ Summit from 16-18 November 2022, the government has requested school support, so we postponed Sports Day for Years 3-9. Sports Day will now take place on Thursday 24th November.
Samakee plans to remain open during the APEC Summit; however, if international school closures become mandatory, we will revert to online learning.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School