Dear Samakee Community,
Thank you to all families and staff for your help and support with our current COVID protocols; it is excellent to see students and staff completing ATK tests each week, ready for the start of school on Monday and Thursday. Our reopening plans have gone exceptionally well, and I am happy to see everyone working together to help us reduce the likelihood of cases in our school. Undoubtedly, our opening plans are unlikely to be for just a short time but will remain an essential part of Samakee’s health and safety procedures for some time to come.
As a reminder, here is the link to the Google Form for ATK test results; please write the date and your child’s name on the ‘test device’, take a photo and send it to school. Test results should be sent on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. Thank you!
As I walk about the school each day, I can see how happy the children are to be back talking and spending time with friends at playtimes instead of relying on virtual contact. In their bubbles, the children are making the most of opportunities to be physically active. Such as games like, What’s the Time Mr Wolf, badminton, chasing and running games, climbing on the equipment or riding bikes. There are many smiles to be seen behind those masks!
Since November 1st, we have been gradually welcoming our children back to full-time school and face to face learning, starting with EYFS on Monday 1st and this week with KS1. Next week, we will continue this staggered approach with LKS2 returning every day from Monday 15th and Year 5 from Thursday 18th. On Monday 22nd, it will be the turn of Upper School, and the school will then be fully open with all students back in the classrooms for face to face teaching. Here are the details of these plans.
- Monday, Nov 15th – Year 3/4 start onsite learning five days a week
- Thursday, Nov 18th – Year 5 starts onsite learning five days a week. Year 5 will continue to learn online Monday 15th – 17th.
- Monday, Nov 22nd – Upper School starts onsite learning five days a week. The week beginning Nov 15th, Upper School will continue with blended learning – two days in school and three online.
It has been lovely to welcome back Year2 to the classroom – they were overjoyed to finally be allowed back to school! They have enjoyed catching up with friends, playing in the outdoor areas and having a go at lots of fun interactive EBL activities.
Inspired by the book ‘Not A Box’, Reception Class used simple cardboard boxes to transport themselves to a world where anything is possible. Inside their boxes, their imagination took over and the play felt so real. This is a poem sharing some of their ideas.
Not a Box
It’s not a box!
It’s a race car
It’s a robot
It’s a farm
It’s a rocket ship
It’s a spider’s web
It’s a shark
It’s not a box!
Upper School Students back at school! Badminton fun at break and lunch. So good to see our students being active in school again.
Once again, here is the link to a Visual Guide to our Reopening Plans.
On Friday 19th November, the children and staff will be celebrating Loy Krathong at school in their bubbles and they are invited to wear Thai costumes. Please make sure that your child brings a change of clothes in their bag. Thank you.
As we gradually increase the number of children attending onsite school, LKS2 will attend school every day next week and starting from Thursday, Year 5 will attend every day.
Wishing you a pleasant weekend.
Kind regards
Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School