Dear Samakee Community,
First I would like to say thank you to children, parents and teachers for last week’s positive participation in online learning. We are now looking forward to resuming face-to-face learning on campus on Monday 17th January.
All children and staff will be returning to school for face-to-face learning on campus from Monday 17th. Following the successful ‘protective bubbles’ structure last term, we will continue to work in our original bubbles. Each group will remain together with their teachers in their ‘bubbles’ in classrooms, the playground and while eating, this means lunches, break times and start and end of day routines will be staggered so that bubbles don’t mix.
As published in the newsletter at the end of the last term, there are some small changes to the start and end of the school day this term. We will continue to stagger start and dismissal times to help us retain our ‘Protective Bubbles’. Thank you for your understanding.
Please note that children with older siblings may be dropped off and collected at the same time as their older siblings.
Start of the Day:- End of the Day:-
EYFS – 8:15-8:30 EYFS – 2:15 for full-day children
KS1- 8:15-8:30 KS1- 2:20KS2 (Y3-5) – 8:00-8:15
KS2 (Y3-5) – 8:00-8:15 KS2 (Y3-5) – 2:25
Upper School (Y6-9) – 7:45-8:00 Upper School (Y6-9) – 2:35
We require that students, teachers and all staff complete ATK tests twice a week, on Sunday and Wednesday. Please share your child’s test results via our Google Form to help keep our school community safe with as limited a chance of COVID infections as possible. We shall continue to work hard and be very vigilant at school, providing clear communications to those directly affected if an infection occurs and our whole school community as appropriate.
As a reminder, here is the link to the Google Form for ATK test results; please make sure that you write the date and your child’s name on the ‘test device’, take a photo and send it to school. Test results should be sent on Sunday evening and Wednesday evening. Thank you in advance for your vigilance and support in this matter.
RETURNING TO SCHOOL ON 17TH JANUARY If for any reason your child is not returning to school, please email the office and or the phase leader (email addresses at the bottom of the letter)
Please note that although we will provide online learning provision if your child is at home due to COVID related challenges, online learning will be different to what is provided during the full online learning programme provided last week and last term.
Students and staff taking part in the Test and Go or the Sandbox programme may attend school after their second negative PCR test result and this result should be shared with the school. Thank you for your cooperation.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at school again on Monday. If you have questions, please reach out to any of us listed below. Wishing you a pleasant weekend. Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School