Dear Samakee Community,
Virtual Parent Consultations have been a positive and successful event this week, with 90% of our families participating. Thank you! The new appointment style worked well, and I want to thank all who took part for your helpful feedback and encouraging support; we greatly appreciate your collaboration. Next academic year, because of parent feedback and the anticipated easing of Covid restrictions, we look forward to providing a combination of Parent Consultation Meetings that will offer parents a choice between virtual and face-to-face meetings at school. We will share more information about this new consultation approach next academic year. The first round of Parent Consultations next term will take place during the Week Beginning October 24th 2022.
As I mentioned in a previous newsletter, we look towards the new academic year with optimism and anticipation. We hope that we will not have the same restrictions placed on school life that we have experienced this year.
Plans to restart a complete programme of extra-curricular activities have already begun, and ECAs will start on Monday, September 12th 2022. Residentials are being booked, and community events and productions are being planned. We can’t wait to resume a variety of community events as we want our students to participate in a rich programme of enrichment experiences with peers and teachers.
Our students had a great afternoon during the recent ‘Move On’ event. With their classmates, they had an opportunity to meet their new class teacher or tutor in preparation for moving on next year.
However, the transition from Year 5 to Year 6 is a particularly exciting time for students and their parents. It is the next stage in a lifelong educational journey leading to new experiences and challenges. After the familiar surroundings of Middle School, there will be many new experiences for the children to navigate in Upper School. Therefore, we would like to invite Year 5 parents to an online meeting to discuss what it means to move to Upper school and offer you the opportunity to ask questions to support a successful transition for all the children.
This meeting will take place online on Wednesday, 22nd June, @ 18:00. Thank you.
Reports will be published next week on the Samakee Parent Portal for KS1 & Year 3-5 and the following week for EYFS and Upper School. However, parents will be unable to access their child’s report on the Parental Portal if a Report Hold has been placed on their child’s account.
Report Holds happen if tuition fees are overdue, books are outstanding at the library, or other payments are pending. All library books must be returned to the school library by Friday 24th June and please note that the due date for the next term’s tuition fees was 31st May 2022.
Parents will be notified by email if their child’s report is being held.
To avoid your child’s report being put on hold, please encourage your child to return all their library books next week and make all overdue payments to the Finance Office. To remove a Report Hold after the end of the term, you will need to visit the school office during working hours with the outstanding item. Thank you.
Please see the publishing details for School Reports below. The Week Beginning June 20th:
- KS1 & Year 3-5: Full Academic Reports.
The Week Beginning June 27th:
- EYFS: End of Year Reports
- KS1 & Year 3-5: End of year full attainment and progress results with Growth Mindset Continuum.
- Upper School: End of year full attainment and progress reports. Phase leader report & Growth Mindset Continuum.
Here is the link to the calendar for the next academic year. School Calendar 2022-2023
We regularly ask parents to complete a questionnaire to help us reflect on the educational experience their child is receiving at Samakee. Your answers and comments help us identify the areas in which you feel we are doing well and those areas you think we need to work on further.
Thank you to the families who completed this survey. If you have not, please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire by Friday, 24th June. I will compile a summary to share with you before the end of the term. Thank you.
Here is the link: Parent & Carer Questionnaire June 2022-2023
Here is the link to the Google Formfor ATK test results; please write the date and your child’s name on the ‘test device’, take a photo and send it to school. Families should send test results on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Thank you.
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable long weekend!
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School