Dear Samakee Community,
We have come to the end of the school year, and what a year it has been! I want to take the opportunity to thank all members of the school community – our students, parents, staff and directors’. Despite the Pandemic and the exceptional circumstances created, our students have once again amazed us with their progress through their determination and hard work. We are so proud of them.
Today, we say goodbye to our graduating class of Year 9 students moving on to new schools and other students leaving the school. We hope that you will all remember Samakee with affection and pride, as we will you. We must also say goodbye to members of staff who move on to take up positions elsewhere; our very best wishes go with them, and our sincere thanks for their hard work and contributions to the growth and development of Samakee. We will miss you all!
If you are leaving Samakee this year or have items to return, please make plans to come into school so that your child can collect personal items from their lockers or cubby holes and return any school equipment such as library books and Chromebooks. Please book an appointment before your visit. To do this fill in this online form SAS Appointment to Visit School and Travel Declaration; completing the online form will prepare the appropriate staff to help you access classrooms and lockers and receive the returned items. Thank you.
The Library Return Book Box is at the front of the school, so please drive by and return any overdue library books as soon as possible. Thank you.
We will be carrying out our regular maintenance and repairs programme over the summer as usual.
The children and their teachers have done a fantastic job managing online learning, and you have done an excellent job supporting them. We thoroughly commend and thank all of you for your efforts this term. The school year has come to an end, and it is very disappointing that we cannot have the children back in school again this term. Nevertheless, like educators everywhere, we are hopeful that the school will reopen in August and that there will be no more need for online learning. However, the situation remains unpredictable. We want, therefore, to be prepared and make any necessary adjustments to our programme if schools must close again in the future and to do this we need your help. Please take time to complete the survey, link below, and give your thoughts, comments and suggestions. We value and appreciate your input. Thank you for your assistance.
Last Friday, we said farewell to our Year 9 cohort. Individually, with family members, they visited Samakee to receive their parting gifts. A special mention must go to Year 2-5, who made these beautiful portraits of the Year 9 students. Thank you!
We wish Year 9 all the very best in their future ventures. We will miss you!
Well done to all the students who took part in our SAS House Music competition. Sixty children, from Y1 to Y9 entered the competition and posted their performances. It has been an absolute pleasure to watch all the videos; there have been more than 3,000 views – such amazing talent! We will announce the winners today during phase assemblies, and huge thanks to everyone who took part.
To finish the term in Geography, we have completed some environmental analysis playing a simulation game. Students have been working on reducing CO2 output with renewable energy ideas
I hope you enjoy the summer holidays, whether you remain in Thailand or are travelling abroad.
If you need to make contact before your child starts back to school, staff will be in school for training and preparation from Tuesday 10th August. School for students will begin on Monday 16th August.
I wish you all a relaxing summer break.
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School