Dear Samakee Community,
The first quarter of Term 2 has flown by, and I know that the children and staff are looking forward to next week’s break. First School children, Nursery – Year 2 will continue their learning through to Wednesday 24th, while Middle & Upper School will have a holiday from the 22nd – 26th. I hope that you all have an enjoyable break that you remain safe following government guidelines. If you leave Nonthaburi/Bangkok during the holiday, please remember to update the SAS Health & Travel Declaration Form before returning to school on Monday 1st March. Here is the link:
Last Friday, we celebrated Chinese New Year as we welcomed the Year of the Ox, and I have selected some favourite photos to share with you. The children looked very colourful in their Chinese Costumes, and with their friends and teachers, they celebrated the event across the school. Exploring Chinese culture traditions was great fun, and in the music room, the children used a traditional Chinese dragon and percussion to perform exciting dances. In KS1 classrooms, teachers read a Chinese story about the 12 animals of the zodiac, and how they came to be and the children made a wish for what they would like this year to bring! The children hung their wishes on branches in the garden and hope they will come true! In EY, the children made fireworks in a bottle; mixing oil with food colour and then adding water, practised using chopsticks and lots lots more!.
The Mufti-Day donations totalled 3,655.00 Baht and this amount will be added to the collection for Operation Smile. Thank you!
Being able to open the school fully for three weeks has been so encouraging, and we are looking forward to the start of ECAs after the school break. However, it has been necessary to make some minor changes to the school calendar and the dates reports will be published to fit in with the recent changes to the school schedule and the revised ECA programme. Here are the details:
- 9th & 11th March – FS (Nursery – Year 2) Virtual Parent Consultations
- 5th March – KS1 (Year 1 & 2) Attainment Report to Parents
- 15th March – Pupil Progress Meetings
- 30th April – MS (Year 3-5) Reports to Parents
- 21st May – KS1 End of Year Reports to Parents
- 27th May & 1st June – First & Middle School Consultations
- 31st May & 2nd June – Upper School Consultations
- 16th June – EYFS (Nursery – Reception) & US (Year 6 – 9) End of Year Reports to Parents.
*The latest school calendar is available on our Firefly Dashboard and we highly recommend that you subscribe to add a live feed of this calendar to your Outlook, iCal, Google and other calendars. In this way, you will not miss out on important events!
OLE – ONLINE LEARNING EXPERIENCE I want to thank Middle & Upper School parents for their support during the first three weeks of school and the OLE (Online Learning Experience). I would also like to thank the families who have taken the time to complete the SAS Online Learning Survey. The response has been extremely positive, and we appreciate such encouraging feedback. Our Teachers worked extremely hard to improve our OLE, and we are delighted that parents have recognised this considerable effort. If you have not yet responded to the survey, there is still time and here is the link ONLINE LEARNING SURVEY MIDDLE & UPPER SCHOOL LINK
Thank you for a very successful two days of Parent Consultations this week – February 16th & 18th. The next and last Parent Consultations this year will take place on 27th May & 1st June for First & Middle School and on the 31st May & 2nd June for Upper School.
First School Virtual Parent Consultations will take place after the half-term break on March 9th & 11th and we look forward to talking with you.
For your convenience, all letters from the Headteacher Term 1 2020, can be found on Firefly, here is the link: I hope that you have a pleasant and relaxing break.
Kind regards,
Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School