Dear Samakee Community,
There are two important events approaching in the school calendar and we do hope that you will be able to attend:
An Orientation Evening for Parents is scheduled for next week, Thursday 31st August, commencing at 6:00 pm and concluding around 7:30 pm. Refreshments will be available in the lobby area before parents and teachers adjourn to classrooms to chat and discuss the upcoming academic year. Please note that the Inclusion Centre will be open and this will be an opportunity to visit the unit and meet with Najwa Bowman our new Special Needs Teacher.
We are eagerly anticipating a delightful social evening and hope you can join us.
The Samakee After School Club Fair for parents and children is happening on Monday the 4th September starting at 2:45 pm, and it will be held in both the hall and lobby areas. We invite you and your child to drop by and personally explore the clubs/ECAs being offered this term. Please take the opportunity to engage in conversations with the club leaders to gather more information and plan your child’s choices for this term!
At St. Andrews Samakee, we believe excellent attendance is of utmost importance, and we actively encourage consistently high levels of attendance and punctuality within our school community.
We understand that inadequate attendance can significantly impact a child’s academic performance. Did you know that lateness has a huge impact. For example, if your child is late by 10 minutes every day over the school year, that’s equal to over 5 days of lost learning!
Please find out more about our school’s attendance policy on our school website. Thank you.
Absences from School:
If your child will be absent from school: please contact the school office, phone 0844278277 or email
Khun Amber:
Khun Beer:
For Learning Inquiries:
If you have any questions about your child’s learning, please speak with your child’s teacher or tutor:
Further Inquiries and Assistance:
Any other questions can be directed to the Senior Leadership Team or Phase Leader – email
Head of School, Monica L Sudhirak:
First School Phase Leader, Tabietha Sudhirak:
Middle School Phase leader, Hannah Ridd:
Upper School Phase Leader, Nicky Page:
Back to School Bliss!
That unstoppable smile on his face says it all as he zooms into a new adventure on his tricycle!
Inspired by a classmate’s visit to the Piet Mondrian exhibition at the Tate Modern, London, Year one has been learning about abstract art. Dutch artist, Piet Mondrian, arrived in New York in 1940. He immediately fell in love with the city and boogie-woogie music, to which he was introduced on his first evening in New York. Soon he began to put a little boogie woogie into his paintings. Inspired by his art pieces entitled ‘New York’ and ‘Broadway Boogie Woogie’, Year 1 listened to some boogie woogie music and created their own abstract works of art.
In Middle School, we have been learning about our Samakee I-words. On Friday, the children explored the meaning of the words and discovered how they can apply them to their learning. They visited various stations – an intrepid obstacle course, innovative Science investigations, imaginative art pieces and several more. What an inspiring start to the year!
Welcome to Thai lessons! Embrace the world of learning with an open heart. Explore the joys of gaining new knowledge in our Thai class.
Here is the link for the School Calendar – SAS_School Calendar 2023-2024
Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School