Dear Samakee Community,
Next week, we welcome parents and carers to our annual Parent Welcome Evening on Thursday, 1st September, at 18:30.
This event will be an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers and other parents, learn more about your child’s experiences in their new year group and explore the learning areas. The event will occur in your child’s EYFS and Primary classroom and the School Hall for Upper School. Refreshments will be served.
We ask for your help to keep our children with allergies safe in school. Children with food allergies can have life-threatening reactions with some exposure to even tiny amounts of allergen. Please help us by not allowing your child to bring snacks in from home, and do not give out snacks or treats at the end of the school day. Thank you.
Today, Nightingale House led the first House event this year. Our house system generates pride and a sense of belonging, and points are awarded for various activities. For example, the Rube Goldberg Challenge and behaviour based on our SMKE Values (Safe, Mindful, Kind, Engaged). This system contributes successfully to our caring environment, where individuals feel valued and have an opportunity to develop their individual strengths.
Starting from Year 1, children are assigned to their Houses randomly. Brothers and sisters are put into the same House, and younger siblings moving up from early years automatically become members of that House. House Captains take extra responsibility, such as the organisation of the House, counting House points and so on.
The children are really motivated by this structure as it encourages teamwork and rewards their involvement in all aspects of school life.
All students in Years 1 – 9 are encouraged to wear their House T-shirts to school every Friday. Thank you.
Over the years, we have been inspired by the talent of our students in school productions. Our plays/performances have ranged from the traditional: Oliver Twist, Frankenstein, Scheherazade, A Christmas Carol, and Little Red Riding Hood to the modern Gnome Alone, Alligator, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Demon Headmaster; to mention just a few.
We use our art and design technology department to build and paint sets, create props, and design costumes and programmes; students are involved in the whole process and develop a range of skills as they become involved in these activities.
As you may have seen in our SAS Event Calendar, we bring back productions in December, March and June this year; more details will follow as plans evolve.
INSPIRED, INTREPID, INTERNATIONAL AND INQUISITIVEUPPER SCHOOL SCAVENGER HUNT UPPER SCHOOL THAICONGRATULATIONS!I would like to give a special mention to a fourth member of staff recently married; Kieran and Peowe. We wish them every happiness for the future – many, many congratulations!!!
Here is the link to this year’s calendar. School Calendar 2022-2023
Swimming lessons started this week for Year 3-9 at a nearby pool, First Serve Sports Club in Si Chai Thong. EYFS – Year 2 will begin their swimming lessons at the school pool next week.
Our small pool at school had a face-lift over the summer and has a smart new lining!
Here is the link to the Google Formfor ATK test results; please write the date and your names, yours and your child’s, on the ‘test device’, take a photo and send it to school. Families should send test results on Sunday morning. Parents, carers and drivers must follow the same procedure and take an ATK before coming into school (once a week) and upload a photo of the results on the SAS Google Form after each ATK test to have turnstile access using their ID card. Thank you.
We look forward to talking with you on Thursday at Parents Welcome Evening.
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School