Dear Samakee Community,
I am delighted to inform you of the addition of two new School Nurses at Samakee, Nurse Mim, who started work in our school Medical Centre after the Songkran Break and Nurse Ying who works in rotation with Nurse Mim. Both are well-trained nurses with the required certification for this post and experience working in International Schools. They are already providing health care for our students and staff and ensuring the school environment is safe.
Thank you to everyone who responded to the International Day Questionnaire and if you have not done so yet, here is the link:- International Day Questionnaire.
The response has been amazing and we now have nine countries:-, Brazil, China, Egypt, Japan, Thailand, the USA, Uganda and the UK. We also have more volunteers and more contributions for the food hall. It is going to be a fantastic event – thank you! On Tuesday 2nd May there will be one more meeting in the Music Room at 8:30 am to finalise planning for this very special day on Friday 5th May.
On Thursday 4th May, school will be open for parents to set up their rooms and activities from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.
Huge thanks to all our parent volunteers; we are looking forward to an exciting day.
The Upper School young scientist competition is an opportunity for students to show they understand science is a method.
Each student thought of an original research question, and then used their knowledge of science to find the answer. The learner followed the steps of creating a hypothesis, designing an experiment, analysing their data and drawing their conclusions. After the answer was reached, the student evaluated their experiment and identified improvements. The students displayed their work and their findings on display boards for our judges to compare. This year was very competitive, with many original and thoughtful research questions from our young scientists!
Many congratulations to all our winners!
Here is the link for next year’s School Calendar – SAS_School Calendar 2023-2024
An important reminder, Thursday 4th May is a public holiday and school will be closed for a staff INSET day, however, school will be open for parents to set up their rooms and International Day activities from 8:30 am until 4:00 pm.
I hope that you and your family have a relaxing weekend.
Kind regards,
Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School