Dear Samakee Community,
Samakee International Day is a successful event that enriches our curriculum and over time, focuses on the whole world, not just the 24 countries represented in our school community. The event is fully supported by enthusiastic members of our PTG, who work in liaison with teachers and all members of our community to establish “countries” and related activities throughout our school environment. International Day this year will take place on Friday 5th May. Over the years, we have endeavoured to ensure that International Day at Samakee is a dynamic and inspiring event, and we invite you to a PTG Meeting on Tuesday 18th April to help plan this special event for our community. The meeting will take place at 8:30 in the Music Room. We look forward to talking with you.
On Wednesday, 5th April, we will close for the Songkran Break, and the school day will end at 13:00; children should be collected earlier. Thank you.
On Tuesday next week, you are invited to a SMARTs Showcase to celebrate some of the imaginative homework created by the children from Y1 – 5. Children at SAS complete blocks of Samakee SMARTs Homework (Self Motivated, Ambitious, Reflective Tasks) each term, matched to their topic. We aim to promote children’s creativity and develop their skills in becoming lifelong independent learners. With a choice of different tasks to complete, SMART activities may be in the form of a written piece, a recipe, a video, photographic evidence, a game, artwork, a model or other 3D item etc. Please stop by between 8:30 am to 9:00 am. Thank you.

Last weekend was a great weekend of Swimming for Samakee. 10 years old and Unders competed in the Bkk Prep ‘Puppy Dash’ 25m event on Saturday. Some of our older students competed at Harrow on Sunday in a more competitive and longer distance event.
Lots of personal best times and for some students, Kai, Magic and Gam, the first time competing over much longer distances. Asia brought home some medals for performances in 100m Breaststroke and 100m Freestyle.
Napin in Year 2 and Munich in Year 3 also medaled in their age groups at the Puppy Dash event.
Well done to all!

Our Samakee swimmers were:Napin, Ivar, Shiko, Sophia, Mew, Finn, Munich, Pimjai, Chucky, Ankh Ankh, Tos, Marley, Benja, Magic, Gam, Kai, Ohm and Asia





Every year, in term 2, we begin to organise our classes and tutor groups for the new academic year 2023-2024. To do this, we would like you to complete our Leavers Survey to learn more about your enrollment plans at Samakee next year.
At this time of year, we receive many visitors hoping to join our community next term, and your feedback will enable us to inform families about the availability of places. Consequently, your response to this Survey is essential to us as it ensures that we have the correct number of students for each year group, and we can make any necessary adjustments before the start of the new year.
If your plans are currently uncertain, please complete our Leavers Survey based on your most likely expectations for the future.
Please click the form here: .SAS_Leaver Survey 2023 and complete one Survey for each child attending our school.
I hope that you and your family have a safe and relaxing Songkran Break and we look forward to welcoming students back to school on Monday 17th April. Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School