Dear Samakee Community,
On Monday, we launched a House Music Competition, and it is open to all children from Years 1 – 9. There are two categories, Instrument and Voice, the style of music is flexible and up to the competitor – pop songs, jazz, modern music, classical etc. All styles are welcome, and you can make more than one entry. Every entry will be awarded 3 House points, Runners-up 6 House points and Winners 10 House points.
To submit your performance, we would like you to upload your entry to a website called Most importantly, although it is a competition, it is all about taking part, and we want to see performances from all age ranges and abilities supporting their House and our school. The deadline for entries is to be sent by Monday 14th JUNE, and winners will be announced at the end of term. We encourage your child to take part!
Move on Morning was a success; the children were excited to meet their new teachers and keen to ask questions and to chat about themselves. We also welcomed new children joining the school in August, and we thank them for taking part and look forward to working with them next term.
Virtual Parent Consultation meetings occur on Monday 7th June, and we are looking forward to talking with you. Many parents have already signed up on Google Calendar, and if you have not done so already, there is still time. If you experience any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact office staff who will help you.
Reminder about the following updates on our calendar:-
- 7th June – Parent Consultation Day
- 14th June – Deadline for entry to the House Music Competition
- 18th June – End of Term
EYFS TUG OF WARThe children in EYFS use the Tug of War rope as part of their physical development provision, and the children in KG love to invite their teachers and friends out into the garden to have a game of Tug of War. Here are the KG children having fun with the Reception children and teachers. Way to go, everyone!
I-LYMPIC EVENTS YEAR 2It has been fantastic to see some of the children in Y2 joining in with the i-lympic events. It has been great for encouraging children to keep moving and promote physical activity while taking a break from the screen. I have been impressed with their skills and motivation to collect points for SAS!
RAFT PROGRAMME FOR RECEPTION On Move On morning, the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly was the perfect theme for Reception children to reflect on the progress they have made during their time at Samakee. They talked about how they started as tiny caterpillars and slowly slowly became beautiful butterflies ready to fly away with great confidence on a new journey to a new school. Here you can see some beautiful examples of these butterflies!
We have been notified that a large-scale vaccination programme for staff in all schools in Bangkok/Nonthaburi is scheduled to take place sometime in June, and we are hopeful that this will be soon. When this whole school vaccination occurs, it may cause some disruption to online learning, but we will keep you informed. Thank you for your patience and ongoing support, and I hope that you have a pleasant weekend. Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School