Dear Samakee Community, 

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to Samakee this week; we have missed the excitement, and the enthusiasm children emanate. The school has come alive again with the hustle and bustle of children and teachers and all their activities. It has not taken the children long to settle back into routines and to reengage with learning. I have thoroughly enjoyed walking around the school, visiting classrooms and observing children at their work and play. See attached photos. 

 Strict daily cleaning and disinfecting continues and the children are being very responsible in the wearing of masks, washing hands and social distancing. This carefulness at home and school can help us all to stay safe 

Thank you to everyone who updated their SAS Health & Travel Declaration Form for Term 2. There was an excellent and speedy response which was much appreciated. We will continue to rely on this form to update us about our families’ welfare and travel situation.

PARENT CONSULTATIONS We have put a great deal of thought into our parent meetings’ organisation. We have made reference to the October Parent Consultation Survey and parent suggestions for some of the improvements. We appreciate your comments and proposals, although we could not adopt all the ideas that parents put forward for practical reasons. 

The February Virtual Parent Consultations will occur on the 16th, and 18th February for Middle and Upper School parents and we will share appointments with you next week. Parents are requested to collect their children from school at 13:35 on the 16th and 18th February to facilitate these meetings. First School will have a regular school day and finish at 15:30, and we will provide a creche until 15:30 for families with older children and children in First School. 

The First School Virtual Consultations will take place after half-term, and we will confirm the date shortly. 

Please note that the calendar dates for the May Parent Consultations have been revised as follows: 

  • 27th May & 1st June First & Middle School Consultations; 
  • 31st May & 2nd June Upper School Consultations.

EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (ECA) / AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS As we return to school life’s regular rhythm, we are now discussing and planning to resume ECAs after half-term; the week beginning March 1st. The ECAs will run for ten weeks and end on May 25th. We will use May’s final week as a makeup week for any sessions that may have cancelled. We have planned an earlier start for Learning Labs, and they will commence next week. 

Allocations for ECAs were made in December, so there is no need to sign up again. However, if new families who have not yet registered for any ECAs would like to do so, please contact the school office to determine if spaces are still available. 

  Please note that First School will not participate in ECAs this term because we have extended their school day until 15:30. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support. Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak

Head of School

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