Dear Samakee Community,
A huge thank you to everyone involved with online learning, children, teachers, assistants, support staff and parents; the results are excellent! Since the first period of online learning began in March 2020, The teachers have developed different approaches to teaching via interactive online platforms and, every day, engage the children in technologically exciting ways. I am happy to announce that we have upgraded our Google Workspace to the premium version of Google Workspace for Education Plus this week. I know that as teachers and students become familiar with these new features, there will be enormous benefits for all.
I am so proud of the effort you have all made. Attendance is superb; the same standard of work is set, explained and supervised by teachers, the work shared is of an excellent standard, and it is so good to see our students from Nursery – Year 9 continuing their learning at home – well done, everyone!
At school recently, Year 9 students have taken on the “Role of the Coach” in PE lessons to plan, demonstrate and put into action drills/practices in Football. Year 8 followed attentively and improved their passing and shooting skills.
Year 2 have been learning about Ernest Shackleton as part of their new Explorers topic! Learning from home, the children have done a fantastic job with being engaged, listening to stories about Shackleton’s incredible exploration of Antarctica. They have come up with some wonderful diary entries recounting his journey. They’ve also created some lovely drawings of their favourite part of his adventure.
One of the most effective learning tools in the EYFS is engagement. Our Nursery children are fascinated by the wild animals and, through pretend play, spend hours exploring concepts related to relationships, families, similarities and differences as they act out familiar scenarios both independently and with friends.
We have not yet been told when our schools might next be open for students, but between now and then, their education will continue, and we very much look forward to welcoming everyone back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.
Kind regards,

Monica L Sudhirak
Head of School