SAS Headteacher Letter – 29 MAR 24

SAS Headteacher Letter – 29 MAR 24

Dear Samakee Community, Exploration on the farm this week has been enthusiastic as the children excitedly investigated the new “Bamboo House” and worked hard to transport sand in our new wheelbarrows. It is worth noting that all First and Middle School...
SAS Headteacher Letter – 22 MAR 24

SAS Headteacher Letter – 22 MAR 24

Dear Samakee Community, We are thrilled to share some exciting developments on our Samakee farm that will surely enhance our children’s and visitors’ experiences. As you may know, workers have been diligently constructing a fascinating new bamboo sala....
SAS Headteacher Letter – 15 MAR 24

SAS Headteacher Letter – 15 MAR 24

Dear Samakee Community, We are excited to announce that our school will host our annual International Day event on Friday, 10th May, celebrating our students’ diverse cultures and backgrounds. To ensure the success of this important occasion, we need your...
SAS Headteacher Letter – 8 MAR 24

SAS Headteacher Letter – 8 MAR 24

Dear Samakee Community, A great first week back at school. We hit the ground running (literally) with out Early Years and Key Stage 1 Sport Day. A wonderful morning of sporting fun and community spirit. It was great to see our Upper School students supporting the...
SAS Headteacher Letter – 23 FEB 24

SAS Headteacher Letter – 23 FEB 24

Dear Samakee Community, Next week marks the eagerly anticipated half-term holiday, and the school will be closed. We hope this break gives you, your family, and our teachers a well-deserved opportunity to relax and enjoy quality time with family and friends. Whether...